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Frosmo "Tarzana" 2017-05-08

Release date

2017-05-08 at 08:30 (

The Tarzana release improves trigger functionality and introduces a redesigned trigger management UI. The release also contains a few other minor improvements.

Major changes

Trigger improvements

A trigger allows you to detect a specific event on a web page and take a predefined action in response. You can attach triggers to conversion definitions, placements, and segments. For more information about triggers and how to use them, see Triggers.

Redesigned trigger management UI

In the Frosmo Control Panel, the triggers page (Triggers) has been redesigned for improved usability and rebranded to match the application's new look and feel.

The following screenshots show the old triggers page and editor (click to enlarge).

Old triggers page
Figure: Old triggers page
Old trigger editor
Figure: Old trigger editor

The following screenshots show the new triggers page and editor (click to enlarge).

New triggers page
Figure: New triggers page
New trigger editor
Figure: New trigger editor

In the triggers list, the trigger details now also include the trigger alias, and you can search the list. In the editor, the field labels have been rephrased for improved clarity, and you can now define the trigger alias.

Improved trigger functionality

The Tarzana release adds the following improvements to the trigger functionality:

  • The Frosmo event evaluation point has been renamed to Custom event, and you now select the event from a drop-down menu instead of writing the event name in a text field.

    Selecting the event for the Frosmo event evaluation point
  • The DOM event, Custom event, DOM element ready, and URL change evaluation points support the new Event data rule. You can use this rule to check if the DOM element or Frosmo modification related to the event includes specific content or metadata (such as an element, modification, or variation ID). For example, you can segment visitors based on a Custom event trigger that fires only when a specific variation is displayed.

    Defining an event data rule for a trigger (step 1)
    Defining an event data rule for a trigger (step 2)
  • You can define an alias for a trigger. You can use the alias to bind a JavaScript function to the trigger. The bound function will be called every time the trigger fires.

    Defining an alias for a trigger


  • The Frosmo Administration Panel is now known as the Frosmo Control Panel.

  • The Frosmo data layer supports the following new product object properties:

    • frosmoProductArea

    • frosmoProductCampaign

    • frosmoProductCategories

    • frosmoProductCity

    • frosmoProductColors

    • frosmoProductCompany

    • frosmoProductConversion

    • frosmoProductCountry

    • frosmoProductCustomImages

    • frosmoProductData

    • frosmoProductDescription

    • frosmoProductIds

    • frosmoProductMainCategory

    • frosmoProductManufacturer

    • frosmoProductModel

    • frosmoProductMultiPrices

    • frosmoProductPartPayment

    • frosmoProductRating

    • frosmoProductStock

    • frosmoProductSubCategory

    • frosmoProductUrn

    • frosmoProductVenue

    For more information about the new properties, see Frosmo data layer.