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Frosmo "Hollywood" 2016-06-13

Release date

2016-06-13 at 08:00 (

The Hollywood release contains a few improvements and bug fixes.


  • Frosmo Administration Panel, Modifications > Overview > Modification > Display Options: The appearance of the decile selector pop-up has been enhanced.

  • Frosmo Administration Panel, Modifications > Placements > Placement: The following note is displayed when you select the Hide original & replace display method:


    Be extremely careful when using the "Hide original & replace" display method, especially with triggers.

    The trigger is only evaluated after the original content is hidden. This may cause the visitors to miss important content.

Bug fixes

  • Frosmo Administration Panel, Modifications > Overview: The following information is now visible in the Additional display options column for both basic and cached modifications:

    • Selected deciles (unless all deciles are selected)

    • Current segment combination

  • Frosmo Administration Panel, Modifications > Overview > Modification: The label in the modification heading showing the current settings now also contains the following settings:

    • Deciles

    • States

    • Labels

    • Current segment combination