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Frosmo "Big Delta" 2018-03-19

Release date

2018-03-19 at 08:30 (

The Big Delta release contains several new features as well as some smaller improvements.

Major changes

The Big Delta release contains the following new features:

Advanced tracking

The advanced tracking feature extends the basic tracking functionality of the Frosmo Platform by allowing you to send additional tracking data, custom events, from a site to the Frosmo back end.

A custom event can be about anything that you can do with or change in a modification. The platform calculates statistics for custom events, and you can access the statistics through the Frosmo Control Panel.

You enable advanced tracking for a site in the Control Panel.

For more information about implementing advanced tracking, see Tracking custom events with advanced tracking. For more information about viewing and interpreting modification statistics, including advanced tracking statistics, see Modification statistics.

Error tracking

The error tracking functionality of the Frosmo Control Panel allows you to track and troubleshoot errors on your sites. You can:

  • Select which sites to monitor for errors.

  • View the summary status of all monitored sites (latest errors).

  • View the detailed status of each monitored site (all errors and other alerts).

When you're monitoring one or more sites, and if there alerts on the sites, you will see a warning icon in the upper right corner of the Control Panel. The icon represents the combined number of active critical alerts and warnings from all your monitored sites.

Modification templates

Modification templates allow you to define the UI code for a modification once and then automatically reuse that code in other modifications. Frosmo supports mustache.js templates.

There are many benefits to using templates:

  • You can use the same template in multiple modifications.

  • You can separate data (for example, product data) from modification content structure.

  • You can modify the data before displaying the modification.

You enable modification templates for your site in the Control Panel.

For more information, see Feature: Template.

The Control Panel now boasts a new, powerful search tool. The tool allows you to search basically anything and everything you can access in the Control Panel, including:

  • Companies

  • Conversion definitions

  • Custom actions

  • Labels

  • Modifications

  • Placements

  • Sites

  • Segments

  • Segment groups and target groups

  • Templates

  • Triggers

To use the tool, click the search icon (Search icon) in the upper right corner of any view in the Control Panel (you can also use the Ctrl+Space shortcut). Enter text in the search field, and you will immediately see a list of search results.

Search results
Figure: Search results

The search returns 50 results per result type (for example, modifications, placements, or sites) at the most. You can click a search result to access it directly.


  • Control Panel, Modifications > Overview > Modification: The modification UI has been updated for a more consistent and user-friendly look and feel. The functionality of the UI has not changed.

  • The Frosmo JavaScript library no longer supports Internet Explorer 9. The Frosmo Platform now supports the following IE versions:

    • Frosmo JavaScript library: 10 or newer

    • Frosmo Control Panel: 11 or newer