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Frosmo "Upland" 2017-06-05

Release date

2017-06-05 at 08:30 (

The Upland release contains several small fixes and improvements to the functionality and usability of the Frosmo Control Panel.


  • Modifications > Overview > Modification: Placement name on the modification page is now a direct link to that placement.

    Placement name as a direct link to the placement
  • Modifications > Overview: In the filter drop-down menus, the filter options are now listed in alphabetical order for better usability.

    Filter options listed in alphabetical order
  • Modifications > Overview > Modification > Content: When you select the Use template checkbox for a modification variation and start typing the template name, you can now see a filtered list of available templates. This saves you the trouble of typing the entire template name or copy/pasting it.

    Filtered list of available templates
  • Modifications > Overview > Modification > Product Recommendation Options: The List template option has been removed from the product recommendation options.

  • Modifications > Templates: You can now find the UI for creating and managing modification templates in the Modifications section of the navigation pane instead of the Advanced section.

    Modification templates menu
  • Modifications > Templates: Previously, to export a modification template, you had to include the word "EXPORT" in the template name. This has been improved so that the UI now contains a simple checkbox for selecting templates to be exported. If the checkbox is selected, the modifications template is exported automatically.

    Selecting a template for export
  • Utilities > Custom Actions: A search box has been added to the Custom Actions page for improved usability.

  • Data Management > Segmentation > Segments: The Select button for selecting multiple segments is now shown in the segments list page by default. You must click the button to be able to select segments. In addition, you can now view the basic information about all segments in the list by clicking Expand all.

    Selecting multiple segments and viewing their basic information
  • The currently selected site is now shown on all the pages in the Control Panel regardless of whether the company has multiple sites.

  • UI labels and help texts have been clarified and updated for several pages.

  • Triggers: When creating trigger a rule based on the DOM ready or JavaScript variable ready evaluation point, you must define the timeout after which the Frosmo Platform stops trying to fire the trigger. A timeout value that is too big may cause the timeout being scheduled immediately. Therefore, the maximum timeout value (in seconds) for triggers is now set to 2147482.