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Feature: Recommendation configuration


Recommendation strategies are the default and preferred way of generating recommendation data. If possible, use a recommendation strategy instead of a recommendation configuration when creating a new recommendation.

The first step in creating a recommendation is to define what kind of recommendation you want to create and what specifically you want to include in the recommendation, that is, what it is that you want to recommend. You do this with a recommendation configuration.

Recommendation configuration in the Frosmo Control Panel
Figure: Recommendation configuration in the Frosmo Control Panel

The recommendation configuration defines the logic and settings for generating the recommendation data. The configuration consists of:

  • Name and description

  • Recommendation type

  • Frequency of regenerating the recommendation data

  • Number of past hours of source data on which to base the recommendation

  • Maximum number of recommended items to return

  • Setting for mapping the generated recommendation data to source data, such as product data

  • Settings for filtering the generated recommendation data

Based on the recommendation configuration, the Frosmo Recommendations system retrieves the necessary usage data from the Frosmo Data Pipeline, and applies the requested algorithm to generate the appropriate recommendation data. You fetch the generated data with the Recommendations API, and you then use the data in a modification to build and display the final recommendation. If you use a template for the modification content, you fetch and use the data in the template, and then use the template in the modification. You can also use the recommendation configuration in an email recommendation, in which case the platform fetches and displays the recommendation data for you.

The Frosmo Recommendations system periodically regenerates the recommendation data against the latest usage data. The set of recommended items that visitors see is therefore regularly updated. How often the update happens depends on the recommendation configuration settings.

Recommendation configuration in the recommendation workflow
Figure: Recommendation configuration in the recommendation workflow

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