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Example: Using a trigger to register conversions

This example shows how you can use a trigger to register any event on a site as a conversion.

In this example, a newsletter subscription on the site is registered as a conversion. This helps you to monitor the number of subscriptions and use them as a basis for personalization.

To implement the example:

  1. Create a trigger that fires every time a visitor subscribes to the newsletter.

  2. Create a conversion definition based on the trigger.

Creating the trigger

To create the trigger:

  1. In the Frosmo Control Panel, in the sidebar, select More > Triggers.

  2. Click Create trigger.

  3. Define the following settings:

    • Name: Enter "Subscription".

    • Evaluation point: Select DOM event.

    • Event: Select Submit. This means that the trigger is evaluated once the visitor has submitted the newsletter subscription form. The event is a standard HTML DOM event.

    • Element: Enter "form". This is the selector for the page element in which the event must happen.

    Defining the trigger settings
  4. Click Save.

Creating the conversion definition

To create the conversion definition:

  1. In the Control Panel, in the sidebar, select More > Conversion Definitions.

  2. Click Create conversion definition.

  3. Define the following settings:

    • Conversion name: Enter "Subscription".

    • Conversion type: Enter "Newsletter subscription". The conversion type is used to generate conversion statistics.

    • Trigger: Select the Subscription trigger you created above.


      You can save the conversion definition without selecting or creating a trigger, but you cannot activate the conversion definition unless it has a defined trigger.

    • Minimum interval between conversions (seconds): Enter "600". This means that if a visitor submits the form repeatedly, only one submission every 10 minutes is registered as a conversion.

    Defining the conversion definition settings
  4. Click Save.

  5. In the conversion definitions list, click Activate for the conversion.

Newsletter subscriptions on the site are now registered as conversions.

You're done with this example!