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Example: Displaying preloaded content based on the time and day

When content preloading is enabled for a modification, flickering is decreased when displaying large content items, such as banners. However, content preloading has some limitations. For example, you can't define a modification to be displayed on specific hours of the day or specific days of the week. You can work around this limitation by binding a trigger to a placement that you then associate with a modification.

This example uses simple custom JavaScript for getting the time of the day as a rule for the trigger. The trigger is defined so that the modification is only displayed to visitors during the evening hours (18:00 to midnight). This is useful when you want to target audiences that typically make their purchasing decisions after office hours.

To implement the example:

  1. Create a trigger for detecting the time of the day.

  2. Create a placement for the modification.

  3. Use the trigger to display the modification.

Creating the trigger

To create the trigger:

  1. In the Frosmo Control Panel, in the sidebar, select More > Triggers.

  2. Click Create trigger.

  3. Define the following settings:

    • Name: Enter "Evening 18:00 to midnight".

    • Evaluation point: Select DOM ready. This means that the trigger is evaluated once all HTML elements have been loaded on the page.

    • Rules: Click Add new rule, select JavaScript code, and set the following rule:

      The value of the

      (function () {
      var hour = (new Date()).getHours();
      return hour > 18 && hour < 24;

      JavaScript function is exactly true.

      This means that when all HTML elements have been loaded on the page, the JavaScript functions checks whether the current time is between 18:00 and midnight. If so, the function returns "true", and the trigger is fired.

    Defining the trigger settings
  4. Click Save.

Creating the placement

To create the placement:

  1. In the Control Panel, in the sidebar, select Modifications.

  2. Select the Placements tab.

  3. Select Create placement.

  4. Define the following settings:

    • Name: Enter "Home page - Banner - Evening".

    • Page type: Select Home.

    • Target element: Select CSS selector, and enter "#banner-top" (or whatever is appropriate on your site) as the selector name.

    • Display method: Select Replace content. This means that the modification content replaces the original content of the target element.

    • URL matcher: Click Add new rule, and define the rule as Page path is exactly /?product_cat=frosmo-pets (or whatever is appropriate on your site).

    • Trigger: Click Select trigger, select the Evening 18:00 to midnight trigger you created above, and click Confirm.

    Defining the placement settings
  5. Click Save.

Using the trigger in a modification

To use the trigger in a modification:

  1. In the Control Panel, on the Modifications page, select the Overview tab.

  2. In the modifications list, find the modification to which you want to attach the trigger, and click the modification name.

  3. In the Basic settings view, click Select placement.

  4. Select the placement you created, and click Save.

The modification is now only displayed to visitors during the evening hours (18:00 to midnight).

You're done with this example!