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Segment statistics

You can view the segment statistics for a site in the Frosmo Control Panel.

Use the statistics to:

  • View the number of visitors in segments and see how the segment sizes evolve over time.

  • View the number of converted visitors and conversion rate by segment.

  • View the amount of revenue created by visitors by segment.

  • Check how many visitors in a segment have been exposed to modifications.


You can quickly check the most important business performance statistics, including the overall personalization coverage on the site, in the site dashboard.

Viewing the complete segment statistics

To view the complete statistics for segments:

  1. In the Frosmo Control Panel, in the sidebar, select More > All Reports.

  2. Select the Segments tab.

  3. Optionally, to filter which segments to show, start entering a segment name or segment group name in the filter field. The filtering does not affect segments marked as favorites, which are always shown at the top of the list.


    To mark a segment as favorite, click the star icon to the left from the segment name in the table.

  4. Optionally, click Show additional columns to view the following visitor statistics:

    • Added

    • Exited (expired)

    • ACPPU

    • ACPUU

    • ARPPU

    • ARPUU

  5. In Conversion type, select all if you want to view the combined statistics for all conversion types, or select a specific conversion type if you want to view the statistics just for that type.

  6. Select to view Daily, Weekly, or Monthly statistics. If you select daily statistics, also select the date whose statistics you want to view.

  7. To view the statistics for an adjacent day, week, or month, click Previous or Next.

  8. Check the following visitor statistics per segment:

    • Visitors: Number of visitors in the segment during the selected time range. The number includes both visitors who entered the segment before the time range and visitors who entered the segment during the time range.

    • Added: Number of visitors who entered the segment during the selected time range. If the same visitor entered, exited, and re-entered the segment during the selected time range, the platform counts each entry.

    • Exited (expired): Number of unique visitors who exited the segment during the selected time range. The number in parentheses is the number of visitors who exited the segment because the segment's time limit elapsed for them and the platform removed them from the segment. If the same visitor exited, entered, and re-exited the segment during the selected time range, the platform counts each exit.

    • Conversions: Number of conversions completed by visitors in the segment during the selected time range.

    • Converted visitors: Number of visitors in the segment who completed a conversion during the selected time range. If the same visitor completed multiple conversions during the selected time range, the platform counts the visitor just once.

    • CR [%]: Percentage of visitors in the segment who completed a conversion during the selected time range.

    • ACPPU: Average number of conversions completed by visitors in the segment who completed a conversion during the selected time range.

    • ACPUU: Average number of conversions completed by unique visitors in the segment during the selected time range.

    • AOV: Average order value. The AOV is calculated as the total revenue generated by the visitors in the segment divided by the number of conversions completed by the visitors in the segment.

    • Revenue: Total revenue generated by visitors in the segment during the selected time range. The revenue is calculated from the total purchase value (rather than from the individual item prices) recorded in the transactions made by the visitors.

    • ARPPU: Average revenue generated by converted visitors in the segment during the selected time range.

    • ARPUU: Average revenue generated by unique visitors in the segment during the selected time range.

    • Displays: Number of modifications displayed to the visitors in the segment during the selected time range.

    • Exposed visitors: Number of visitors in the segment for whom at least one modification variation loaded and rendered during the selected time range.

    • Exposure [%]: Percentage of all visitors in the segment for whom at least one modification variation loaded and rendered during the selected time range.

Segment statistics
Figure: Segment statistics

You can quickly check the most important segment statistics for your most important segments in the site dashboard by selecting featured segments.

To select featured segments:

  1. In the Control Panel, in the sidebar, select Dashboard.

  2. In the Featured segments section, click the plus icon.

    Selecting and viewing featured segments
  3. Select as many segments as you like. To remove a selected segment, click for the segment in the Selected segments list.

    Selecting and viewing featured segments
  4. When you're done, click Select.

You can now view the segment statistics for the featured segments in the dashboard.