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Installing Frosmo Segments for Contentful

Before you install the Frosmo Segments for Contentful app, make sure you have the following information available:

  • API token. This is your personal access token for the Graniitti API. The app needs the token for fetching segments from the Frosmo Platform. For instructions on how to get the token, see Graniitti API authentication. The token is valid for a limited period of time from the moment of creation.


    The token allows you to both read (get) and write (create, update, delete) data to and from the Frosmo database using the Graniitti API. Do not share the token with outside parties or parties you do not trust. In addition, since the token will be visible in the app settings in Contentful, make sure only trusted users have permission to access the settings.

  • Region. This is the Frosmo Platform instance that hosts your site. For instructions on how to determine your site's instance, see the FAQ.

  • Site. This is your site's origin in the Frosmo Platform. For instructions on how to get the origin, see the FAQ.

To install and configure Frosmo Segments for Contentful:

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. In the top navigation menu, select Apps > Manage apps.

  3. In the Available section, find and click the Frosmo Segments app.

  4. Click Authorize access.

  5. Define the following app settings:

    • API token: Enter your personal access token for the Graniitti API.

    • Region: Select the Frosmo Platform instance that hosts your site.

    • Site: Select your site. The drop-down menu lists the available sites by site origin.

    Frosmo Segments for Contentful configuration
  6. Optionally, in the Convert fields into Frosmo segment selectors section, select the fields that you want to turn into Frosmo segment selectors. The section lists all applicable fields ("Short text, list") from all existing content types. Installing the app automatically sets each selected field to use the segment selector UI widget for its appearance.

    Convert fields into Frosmo segment selectors

    You can also convert the fields later by either revisiting the app configuration or directly editing the content types.

  7. Click Install. The app installs.

You've installed and configured Frosmo Segments for Contentful. You can now use the segments from your site in Contentful: