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Tracking cart actions with the data layer


To use the data layer on a site, the data layer module must be enabled for the site.

For an introduction to cart action tracking in the Frosmo Platform, see Data tracking solutions.

Tracking cart actions with the data layer means triggering a cart action event whenever the visitor updates their shopping cart. The platform supports the addToCart event for tracking when the visitor adds one or more items to their shopping cart.

You can trigger cart action events from:

  • Page code (meaning directly from the site source code)

  • Shared code

Page code is the recommended solution. If you cannot use the data layer in your page code, use shared code.

Tracking cart actions by triggering a cart action event from a page
Figure: Tracking cart actions by triggering a cart action event from a page

Triggering cart action events

To trigger a cart action event, call the dataLayer.push() function with the following object:

frosmo: {
addToCart: {
items: [{
id: '<product_id>'

The frosmo.addToCart object contains the event data.

addToCart object

The addToCart object contains the data of a single addToCart event.

addToCart object properties


List of the items the visitor added to their shopping cart.

Define each item as an item object.

You must define at least one item. You can define a maximum of 20 items. If the list is empty or contains more than 20 items, the platform ignores the event.

Array of item objects


Item object

The item object contains the data of a single item the visitor added to their shopping cart.

Item object properties


ID of an item the visitor added to their shopping cart.

The ID must be a string with a length of 1-256 characters. If the ID is empty or longer than 256 characters, the platform ignores the event.


The platform automatically trims leading and trailing spaces from the ID. The platform validates the length of the trimmed ID.

String (256)


Cart action examples

Example: Visitor added one item to their shopping cart
frosmo: {
addToCart: {
items: [{
id: '123'
Example: Visitor added three items to their shopping cart
frosmo: {
addToCart: {
items: [{
id: '123'
id: '345'
id: '678'

Testing cart action tracking

To test that cart actions are correctly tracked with the data layer:

  1. Go to the site.

  2. Launch Frosmo Preview.

  3. Select Advanced > Events.

    Testing cart action tracking
  4. Go to a page where cart actions are tracked. If cart action events are successfully triggered with the data layer, Frosmo Preview shows a dataLayer message for each event. The message contains the object passed to the data layer.

    Testing cart action tracking
  5. To verify that the correct event data was sent, expand the Data section of the dataLayer message, and check the frosmo.addToCart object.

    Testing cart action tracking
  6. If you want more details on a data layer call, select Advanced > Requests, and check the addToCart request to the Optimizer API.

    Testing cart action tracking