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Additional iGaming setup

The Frosmo Platform supports additional setup options for iGaming sites. These options enable a broader integration between your site and the platform. The options build on the iGaming preparations and are fully optional.

You can freely choose which tasks to perform and in what order:

Setting up additional events and metadata for game and visitor tracking

The iGaming setup uses specific events for collecting game and visitor data on a site. Check that your site sends the correct events from the appropriate pages. You set up the primary events as part of the iGaming preparations.

To allow the Frosmo Platform to collect additional data from your site:

For more information about data tracking in the Frosmo Platform, see Data tracking solutions.

Additional iGaming events


If your site already has events set up that provide the same data as the Frosmo iGaming events, the Frosmo Platform can use the existing events. You do not need to create duplicate events. For example, if your site already sends the necessary data in GA4 events, the Frosmo Platform can capture those events.


The iGaming events are conceptually similar to Google's Universal Analytics (UA) Enhanced Ecommerce events and Google Analytics 4 ecommerce events.

The following table describes the additional iGaming events supported by the Frosmo Platform. The table also provides data layer push templates for sending the events. For more information about the event data, see iGaming event data.

The following table describes the additional iGaming events supported by the Frosmo Platform. The table also provides data layer push templates for sending the events. For more information about the event data, see iGaming event data.

Additional iGaming events
EventDescriptionData layer push

Game spin

The visitor placed a wager or otherwise made a purchase in a game.

Example: The visitor placed a bet and spun the wheel in a roulette game.

This event allows the platform to track which games visitors spend money on. This provides a stronger scent of visitor interest than, for example, tracking gameImpressions, and allows the platform to recommend popular games with greater confidence.


The platform treats this event as a transaction.

event: 'gameSpin',
products: [{
gameId: 'Game ID'
amount: '123.45',


The visitor completed the registration process and created a new user account.

Example: The visitor signed up as a new user to your site.

This event allows the platform to track the conversion of anonymous visitors to registered ones, which is both a user journey milestone and often a key performance indicator (KPI). In terms of the user journey, this event allows the platform to target unregistered and registered visitors with different recommendations.

event: 'registrationSuccess'

iGaming event data

The following tables describe the supported data for the additional iGaming events.

iGaming event data


Event type.

The possible values are:

  • Game spin: gameSpin

  • Registration: registrationSuccess

event: 'gameSpin'


List of games included in the event.

The list is an array of game data objects. Each object contains the details of a single game.


This property is only valid for gameSpin events.

products: [{
gameId: '123'
amount: '123.45',

The following table describes the game data object. The object contains the details of a single game.

Game data object


Game ID.


The ID of a given game must be consistent across the events. For example, the game impression and game launch events for the same game must use the same game ID.

gameId: '123'


Amount of money the visitor wagered.


This is a complimentary property.

amount: '123.45'

If you want to send more game data to the platform, use a game data feed. If you cannot use a feed, consult with Frosmo about a custom solution for sending the data directly from the site.

Open Graph metadata

Using Open Graph metadata is optional. However, it is recommended that you always define at least the page type with Open Graph. Otherwise, Frosmo needs to implement custom tracking for page type. In addition, if you cannot provide game image and launch URLs in data layer events or in a game data feed, define the URLs with Open Graph.

The following table describes the supported Open Graph metadata and where to define it on the site.

Supported Open Graph metadata


Game image URL.

The URL must be an absolute URL.

Game page

<meta property="og:image" content="" />


Page type.

The possible values are:

  • page.category: Game category page

  • page.front: Site home page

  • page.product: Game page

Game category page

Game page

Home page

<!-- Site home page -->
<meta property="og:type" content="page.front" />


Game launch URL.

The URL must be an absolute URL.

Game page

<meta property="og:url" content="" />

Game data feed


Data feeds are a common feature on today's websites, so you may already have one available, in which case you would only need to provide Frosmo access to it. Check with your system administrator before setting up a new data feed.

You can use a game data feed to:

  • Provide Frosmo with additional, relevant game information that is not available through game tracking on the site.

  • Ensure that the game data stored in the Frosmo database is always up to date.

While not required, a game data feed is a useful complement to game tracking. Since game tracking relies on visitors viewing pages that contain and send game data, and since the game data on the site may be incomplete or out of date, a game data feed is an excellent way to ensure that the Frosmo Platform always has the latest and complete game data available for analytics and web content.

If you have distinct sets of games for different sites or environments, provide separate feeds for them.

To read your game data feed, Frosmo needs:

  • URL of the feed

  • If used, authentication credentials for reading the feed (the platform currently supports the "Basic" and "Bearer" schemes for HTTP authentication)

  • Description of the feed data structure if the structure is not self-explanatory

Once you've provided this information, Frosmo will set up and schedule a feed reader to retrieve and save the game data at regular time intervals. The available update intervals are: 1 day, 2 hours, 1 hour, 15 minutes. The feed reader will handle any conversions between your game data structure and the Frosmo product data structure.

Game data feed setup

The game data feed must be in either the JSON or XML format. Optionally, the feed can be gzip-compressed.

It is recommended that the feed contain at least the following attributes for each game:

  • ID (must match the one in the iGaming events)

  • Brand

  • Category

  • Features

  • Image URL

  • Launch URL

  • Name

  • Theme

  • Type

  • Volatility

The following code is an example of the contents of a game data feed in the JSON format.

Example: Game data feed contents in JSON
"id": 123,
"name": "Agent Jane Blonde Returns",
"type": "Slot Machine",
"brand": "EntNet",
"category": "Slots",
"subcategory": "Themed",
"themes": [
"badges": [
"images": [
"launch": "",
"features": [
"reels": 5,
"paylines": 15,
"rtp": 96.5,
"volatility": "medium",
"rating": 4,
"reviews": 12
"id": 456,
"name": "Arabian Nights",
"type": "Slot Machine",
"brand": "EntNet",
"category": "Jackpots",
"subcategory": "Slot Jackpots",
// ...
// ...

Setting up recommendation placement on the site

The Frosmo Platform uses placements to position content – modifications – on a web page. Placements, in turn, use CSS selectors to define the target web page element or elements in relation to which modifications are placed. The recommendation modifications included in the iGaming setup all use predefined placements (which are also included in the setup). However, for the platform to correctly place the recommendations on a page, the CSS selectors of the placements must be customized for your site.

You and Frosmo together plan where to place the recommendations on your site. Once there's a plan, Frosmo needs to know the specific selectors to use in the recommendation placements. You have two options for defining the selectors:

  • If possible, add empty elements for the recommendations to the designated places in your site's source code. Use the following ID attributes for the elements:

    • Home page:

      • Recommendation 1: frosmo-home-reco-1

      • Recommendation 2: frosmo-home-reco-2

      • Recommendation 3: frosmo-home-reco-3

    • Game category page:

      • Recommendation 1: frosmo-category-reco-1

      • Recommendation 2: frosmo-category-reco-2

  • If it's not possible to add the web page elements, Frosmo uses existing elements to determine the correct selectors.

Frosmo applies the selectors to the placements during deployment.

Sending customer information to Frosmo

The Frosmo Platform can use customer information for visitor segmentation and content personalization. If you have relevant customer information stored in, for example, a customer relationship management (CRM) system, and if you want to make the information available to Frosmo, let us know, and we'll figure out together the best way to send the information to the platform.

An easy way to send the information is through the data layer. The following example shows a data layer push for a login event with associated customer information.

event: 'login',
user_id: '9876ad45ef9',
promotions: [1234, 5678, 9012],
segments: [1212, 3434, 5656, 7878],
balance: 1234.56,
age: 56,
country: 'GB',
language: 'en'

Sending Frosmo events to Google Analytics

If you're using Google Analytics (GA4) on your site, you can have the Frosmo Platform send basic modification events (clicks, displays, true displays) and visit events (whenever a visitor starts a new session) to GA4. This means that, for every basic modification event and visit event, the platform also triggers a corresponding GA4 event, allowing you to consolidate reporting and analytics in GA4.

Frosmo will set up the integration for your site. This requires access to your GA4.

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