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Viewing recommendation data (Frosmo Control Panel)

You can view the latest data generated for a recommendation configuration in the Frosmo Control Panel. The data is in the JSON format.

To view the data for a recommendation configuration:

  1. In the Control Panel, in the sidebar, select More > Recommendations.

  2. Select the Configurations tab.

  3. In the recommendation configurations list, find the configuration whose data you want to view, click the quick menu button for the configuration, and select Preview.

    Viewing recommendation data

    The full recommendation data opens in a new tab. The data is retrieved with the Recommendations API.

  4. Depending on the recommendation type:

    • bundle_viewed, bundle_converted, or bundle_viewed_converted: To filter the data based on the target product attribute, enter a value for the attribute in the request URL. For example, if the target attribute is product ID, enter a specific product ID to view the recommended products for that particular product.

      Entering the target product attribute for the preview request
      Entering the target product attribute for the preview request
    • most_viewed or most_converted: If you've defined request parameters in the recommendation configuration, optionally filter the results by entering values for those parameters in the request URL.

      Entering a filter paramater for the preview request
      Entering a filter paramater for the preview request