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Preparing your iGaming site

This guide gets you started with preparing your site for the Frosmo Platform.

Process overview

To get you started as fast as possible, the setup process is split into two parts:

  • Site preparations. Standard set of tasks necessary to make your site ready for the Frosmo Platform. Perform the tasks in the order documented.

  • Additional site setup. Optional tasks that enable a broader integration between your site and the Frosmo Platform, allowing you to make the most out of the platform. You can freely choose which tasks to perform and in what order.

Start with the preparations. If and when you want more out of the Frosmo Platform, continue with the additional setup options.

If you are at any point unsure how to proceed, contact Frosmo support, and we'll help you forward.

The following tables summarize the process and show you who's responsible for which task.

Site preparations (required)

For detailed instructions on how to perform each task, see iGaming preparations.

Standard tasks for preparing your iGaming site for the Frosmo Platform

1. Provide the Frosmo script elements and optionally the Frosmo Control Panel user account credentials.


2. Add the Frosmo scripts to the site.


3. Set up the events for game and visitor tracking.


4. If the site uses a Content Security Policy (CSP), update the policy to allow Frosmo content and scripts.


5. Deploy the iGaming setup to the site.


Additional site setup (optional)

For detailed instructions on how to perform each task, see Additional iGaming setup.

Additional setup tasks for integrating your iGaming site with the Frosmo Platform

Set up additional events and metadata for game and visitor tracking.


Set up recommendation placement on the site.



Set up a mechanism for sending customer information to the Frosmo Platform.



Set up Google Analytics integration.


Participate in Frosmo training.


Where to go next